Thursday, January 25, 2007

More Altered book Spreads

I have just finished up working in one of the books for the "True Colors" style RR that I am participating in. This book was sent out by Wanda from Arkansas and her color choice was Black and White with a Splash of some other color. As we started planning this Round Robin back in June, I was on the look out for things to use in the books. Let's just face it, I will pick up and save just about anything!! After a trip on the Washington D.C. Metro system, you are left with a fare card. As there has been a baby Panda born at the National Zoo and he is way more popular than any political figure, there are pandas printed on the fare cards. you guessed it! A Keeper!!

The colors that I chose for Wanda's book were Black and White with a Splash of Lime. (It also makes me think of hot summer afternoons with a tall Gin and Tonic!!) The whole layout revolves around thie Metro Fare card, of Course!!! I used fabric and sheet music, interiors of security envelopes (they have really neat black and white patterns on the insides so people can't see thru the envelopes), paper measuring tapes and ribbons, candy wrapper foils, buttons and pages from a french dictionary. I also did some stamping and I put the whole thing together on the sewing machine- I didn't use any glue. The stitching adds a whole other layer of texture. There is some glare from the flash on the plastic window that I placed over the fare card. I decided to make use of the window that already existed in the envelope. These layouts were great fun to put together and I hope that Wanda likes my work.

THis RR project has been really good for me. I know that my art is being pushed in directions that I might never have gone if I had not started this project.

Under the picture of the panda,on the left, is a pocket made of fabric. Hanging from different ribbons are different black and white things. A collaged domino, a quote from Margaret Mead, A stamp from Dubai and some black and green beads.

This is the second spread. i painted the green paper using the scraped paper technique and then overstamped the fern image.

This is the sign in card that I created for the front of the book. Each artist was asked to create their own tag and include their name and e-mail and snail mail addresses.
This book will get sent off to Florida to the next artist, tomorrow.

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