Saturday, February 10, 2007

Weekly Buddy Sighting!

Buddy, the dog, was very involved in all of my projects this week. We both gravitated to the sunny bay window in the kitchen for our work/snooze area! I will post shots of my Altered Book projects later today, once the glu dries.

After work time and Snow Day play, Becca and I enjoyed some nap time on the couch and ,never to be left out, Buddy provided a welcome heat source!

Becca was off to other things but I was way too comfortable! Can you blame me?????!!????

Eventually, it was time to make dinner but Buddy was not ready to get up. So Pepper, our Rat Terrier/Heeler mix, and no relation to Buddy, jumped up and took my place!

And who is in charge of this house??? What a silly question!!!!

What would we do without our pets?????

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