Last Sunday, there was definately a feeling of spring in the air here in Virginia. The temps were in the 50's, the days are getting longer and I have noticed that the first tiny yellow crocuses had opened in the front yard. I love it when the bulbs poke their heads out and bloom despite the weather. Especially when I have forgotten where I have planted what type of bulb!!!
I went into the house and returned with my camera. As I was moving a bit of mulch around I found some treasures from last summer's Hostas. I found beautiful leaf skeletons in the most glorious contorted swirls of decay.
The ruffled curls remind me of delicate crinoline skirts that might be worn by the fairies who care for the tender shoots as they emerge from the warming soil.
Light as feathers and delicate in appearance, though very tough with their cellulose skeletons still intact.
These amazing remnants of last summer's plantings offer the promise of the verdant foliage yet to come.
Today the wind is blowing out of the North and the sun is still quite low in the southern sky,, the temperature only made it up to 36 degrees. Tomorrow will be colder according to the forecast. But when I look out the front window I can still see the brilliant yellow crocuses opening to the sun. It is coming!!
I am SO ready for spring! Your pictures are beautiful and now I'm going to dig in my hosta bed to see what beautiful things I can unearth! =)