Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Pink Artist Doll Is Complete !!!!

This si so incredibly exciting!! The wonderful and gifted Monica proposed the concept for creating a doll with two inch square pieces of art from any artist who wished to participate. We would make the fiber art squares and she would create the doll who would wear garments created from the squares. You have seen the Pink Artist button on my sidebar to the left. I created two little squares as did so many other wonderful artists. Some made one square many made more and here is "LOVE SQUARED" the doll that Monica created. i am just showing three photos taken by Monica's wonderful husband Jeff. You must go to Monica's Blog to see more!!!!!

Love Squared's Beautiful Face:

Don't you just love her Pink hand felted hair??/ As one artist said, "Marge Simpson, eat your heart out!!"

The crown was crafted by an amazing bead artist and is actually a wearable bracelet. The necklace is also a bracelet.

She is holding this gorgeous box that is full of handmade butterfly wings representing each artist who participated in this project. Amazing!!!!!

This is a close up of the frontleft side of her skirt. One of my squares is the felted and beaded pink/purple heart that is right in the center!! So exciting!!

Here you can see so many of the wonderful squares that make up one side of her glorious skirt.

Here is a full shot of Love Squared in all of her Gloriousness!!! She stands 40 inches tall and weighs 6lbs and 2 oz's. Isn't she incredible!!!!!! Now you must all go to Monica's Blog 'and see many more pictures and read about the complete evolution of Love Squared.

Monica is shipping her to Art DOll Quarterly tomorrow where she will be photographed for publication. then she will be auctioned to raise money for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Fund. Her story is just beginning but what a beginning it has been!!!

Thank you so very much Monica for making this happen!!

I would like to dedicate my participation in this project to my dear friend Mo in Oklahoma. Mo is successfully waging war against breast cancer now and she has been the wind beneath my art wings many times. Also I dedicate this doll to my father in law who we lost 6 years ago to bladder cnacer. He was too scared to reveal symptoms and died far to early. My hope is that we can get to a point in this world where we are not ruled by fears of a disease because of the disease itself or by fears that we do not have the financial means to get treatment for the disease. We are put on this planet to care for each other, not to compete with each other or to be the best at other's expense. Love, care, compassion and acceptance is what this collaboration has been about. I am so very blessed to have played a very small part in this project.


  1. What a marvellous story, the doll is fantastic , I love every part of her - off to check out Monica's blog as instructed - maureen x

  2. What incredible detail!! I love her and it is wonderful that she has a good purpose as well. All the love that went into the creation is apparent. thank you for posting her. Pat M

  3. What a wonderful doll and a terrific project to be involved in. I will check in on Monica's blog.

  4. Wonderful blog post Elizabeth about such an amazing work of the heart(S). It all leaves me quite speechless ~*~ Peace

  5. i saw this is INCREDIBLE!!!

  6. Oh girlfriend... you humble me again. You have been MY wind far more often than I have yours. Maybe the point is that we get to soar together in such a beautifully painted sky??? I loved your squares! And I loved getting to be a tiny part of this project. Someday we WILL kick cancer's butt!!! If not our lifetime, then surely our children's. Love you much & miss you daily! ~ Mo
    p.s. LOVE your blogs & your garden and all your wonderful creations! You feed my soul.


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!