I have just joined up with a group of wonderful, giving artists to support Art Now For Autism .
This project will benefit the organization Autism Speaks and will raise money through an on line Art Exhibit and Sale. This project owes it's creation to the drive and purpose of artist Claudine Intner of Annapolis, MD. Claudine is also the mother of a child on the Autism spectrum . She has worked extremely hard to gather artists to create art to raise money to support research and discovery of the causes and treatmenst for Autism. One in every 150 kids is affected, 1 of every 94 being boys. I personally know several families who are struggling to understand Autsim and how to help their children function and blossom as capable and functional adults. On my sidebar you will see the Button for Art for Autism. To learn how you can participate by donateing art or by purchasing some original treasures, just click on the button!!
We are all so very blessed by all that we are able to share and communicate to others, it is now in our power to lift up those who have more of a challenge!!!
Thanks for the info about autism and the auction! Are you making a piece for it?