Friday, February 20, 2009

Is It Done.........

I am thinking that it is!! I added a few touches and I am very happy with it. I have not decided whether it will be submitted for the call for art, but it is a step towards submitting a piece. It is at the very least, a start of the process.
I created some new collage papers to use. i made some text, paint scrapped green paper and created leaves for the pears to add another color and to spread move the eye around the entire collage. I think that the green really gives it another jolt of color and works well with the other colors in the collage.
Here is a detail of the leaves:
And another:

So now to seal it and frame it.

The next little project was a new pair of earrings. i am not sure why I HAD to Create these NOW but I just HAD to. That is how I work most of the time- I get an idea and I have to run with it. I do write things down for latter use but sometimes I just have to DO IT NOW!!!!

Thesew ere such fun to amke and I used what I have!!!!! LOVE THAT! STASH BUSTING!!!!!!

I used some of my vintage mother of pearl buttons, white glass beads and ss wire, hand dyed silk ribbons to make my fun new earrings! The buttons move as they are a bit off center as the wire goes thru one of the two holes in the buttons and the bead spacer lets the buttons rotate. They remind me of the Jetson's decor!!! I think that I must make more for my Etsy shop!!

As many of you must know, there have been terrible wild fires in Australia. I have been terribly worried about many of my art friends who live in Victoria ,the area affected by the fires. The pictures on the Internet and in the news have been horrendous and heartbreaking. All of my gal pals are fine but very sad and a bit shaken. I ahve been e-mailing back and forth to check up on them during the past several weeks. I decided to deal with some of my worry by working on a page in my journal. I used all of the postage stamps that I have saved form all of our art correspondence and added their names as a small symbol of my feelings for them and to focus my prayers for their safety. Working on this pretty simplistic page really helped! Art therapy in action!!

soory for the glare- I counted the pages with gel medium and I did not notice the glare when I took the photo!


  1. You have been BUSY!!!
    Love all of it! The pears turned out awesome! The earrings are cool too!
    Who cares about the glare....its looks mighty good the way the picture turned out!
    Love you

  2. I like the final version of the pears Elizabeth. Nice. I love the tiny button on the earrings. I just bought some old teeny tiny buttons. I just had to have them! That is a great idea. Very pretty.

  3. I do love the addition of the leaves! I also really like seeing through to the news print in the piece...The earrings are great too!

  4. The pear piece is just wonderful! Thank you for showing the close up shots too--you can really see the TEXTure of the piece. You should be proud of yourself!

  5. I love your painting! Pears are a favorite subject of mine! I must snoop around some more.
    Thanks for your nice comment on my blog,it just goes to show how small this web art world is! Some days I really can get discouraged but I am so glad that I keep blogging. It allows me to meet so many wonderful artists all over the world! Amazing

  6. is done and it is lovely!!! I like the leaves a lot, especially with the text in there!
    I know what you mean about getting an idea and then having to run with it immediately. But then I normally get halfway done and another idea pops into my head and I'm off working on that! So, sadly, my studio and sewing room are full of half finished ideas! I need a mother to make me finish what I begin!
    One thing that I wish about your blog: that your pictures would enlarge when I click on them. That helps me get a more detailed look at your beautiful pieces. Just thought I'd add that comment.


  7. You are a beautiful soul my friend.

    Am very touched by your journal page (bless you for caring).

    Love,love your pears (they are brilliant).

    And your earrings are gorgeous too.

    Dot xx

  8. love your mixed-media painting!!! very clever


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!