Monday, May 18, 2009

Bits and Pieces

I have lots of little up dates to share with you today!! I saw some of my Beading students at our Art group meeting yesterday. They brought along their Beaded Cuff projects for the Show and Tell portion of our meeting(I had hoped that they would!!) Here is Judy's first piece (which she was worried aobut having time to finish for a specific event!!!!!)

I just love it- It will be soooo stunning when it is wrapped around the cuff and the excess ultra suede is trimmed.
Here is her secong piece!! YES she created two!!!!

Kat also brough her cuff which is going to be glorious when finished. I love all of the pearl and shell elements that she is working with.!!

as I told you in my last Post, i ws prepping for an Artist's Yard Sale. IT was such fun!! Many of the buyers were there to buy artists seconds and some were htere looking for supplies and then some where just die hard yard salers. I did quite well and donated all that was left to a friend who will take it to the local Animal Rescue SHelter for their annual Yard Sale. Bottom line- it did not come back home with me!!!!!!!
I did manage to pick up some gems form some of my favorite Liberty Town Artists- now you don't think that I could possibly resist ,do you???????
The manager of Liberty Town, the wondrous Ailine, had glorious plants for sale at bargain prices. She is an avid gardener and loves to grow veggies from seed. Her is a picture of her wonderful offerings! She sold the vast majority of her beautiful starts!!

Off to the far right in this picture you can see half of potter Neal Reed. I adore Neal's work and I ahve been covetting it for quite awhile. Neal does sgraffito-a process of scratching designs through layers of colored glazes to achieve his wonderful designs. Here is a shot of his gallery space at Liberty Town. DROOL!!!!!
Following are two pieces that I bought from Neal at The Yard Sale.
I just love his fish platters- this one is medium sized and when not in use it will hang in my Ocean themed art area!!!
This next piece literally lept into my hands.!! It spoke to me of my two crazy dogs, Buddy and Pepper. It even looks like them!!!!

I had never seen this pattern in Neal's work and it will be such fun to use for a sandwich or salad!! Clean your plate and look at what you will get to find!!!! LOL!!!!

Last but not least, you may remember form a post awhile back, that I made two fiber leaves for the International Fiber Collaborative Tree Project. The title of the Tree Project is Interdependence. The tree has been constructed and all of the leaves added and is now on display at a park in Huntsville Alabama. Here is the link to read more about this project. I am so thrilled to see the finished product!! What a glorious construction!!! My two little leaves are in wonderful company with all of these colorful contributions from other artists!!

Simply Fabulous!!

I hope that you all have a simply maaaarvelous day!!


  1. The cuffs are all great! Wish I could see the tree in person....

  2. WOE Elizabeth, I am loving those beaded cuffs! You are amazing with your makes me so happy to see! AND that tree, I want one in my yard! :0) Can you get to working on that? Heeeeeeee!
    The beautiful pots and plates, no kidding DROOL!
    Sending a hug,

  3. Hey thanks for stopping on by, matey! I just have to say, these zip cuffs rock my world! They are stunning! And yes - it's all about BLOG StREET! Such an amazing place to hang out.

  4. Wow those cuffs are brilliant - I am envious, love beading but find it strains y eyes these days. I would love to see that tree in 'person' as well!!

  5. The cuffs look wonderful Elizabeth (you must be so proud of your students!!!).
    Oooohhhh I do love those plates. Like you that one with the dogs really appeals. They look like they are having such fun.
    The photo of the tree with the fibre leaves is amazing. What a fantastic installation.

    Jacky xox

  6. I love those plates you bought - they are fantastic! And the cuffs are gorgeous, your students obviously have a great teacher!!

  7. If I didn't live all the way across the country you would have a student for the cuff class. They are so gorgeous, must be the teacher. Love the pottery too and those are some starts (wow) for the garden. You do live the good life. Sharon


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!