Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Puzzle Piece Swap!

You may remember that awhile back I took part in a puzzle piece swap called Pieces of Friendship. This swap was the child (oraganizing and running such a swap is almost as large a task as birthing a child) of the lovely and incredibly talented Ms. Pat Winter of Indiana. You can visit her wonderful blog and see her Crazy Quilting masterpieces here .

Our puzzle pieces were due to Pat by June 1. All pieces were made using the same template and could be made using any media as long as the pieces were stiffened using an interfacing of some sort. Then Pat had the herculean task of sorting and swapping out the pieces and then repackaging and posting the pieces back to all of the participants. Pat also very generously offered to do an extra swap with any and all participants over and above the required 4 pieces that the other players were required to send in. Once you ahve seen pat's glorious work, you are NUTS not to want to have one of your very own Pat Winter Creations. Pat took on alot with this swap and she did a fabulous job.!!!! She also set up a blog where she posted the puzzle pieces so we could all see them as they arrived at her house- eye candy and inspiration!!!!!
AAAAANNNNNDDDD now that this swap is finished she wants to do Round 2 in the Fall!! I am definately up for that!! Pat is a brave gal and obviously loves her craft!!!!

So here are the pieces!! My piece is the one pictured above.

This wonderful piece is by Karrin Hurd of California. I adore Tatting and the Forget Me Not image is just wonderful. Thank you Karrin, I love it!

This wonderful piece is from a wonderful artist by the name of Annette Jeavons of the UK. I have swapped art with Annette before with other groups and her work is always delightful, so I was especailly thrilled to et another piece of her work!!

This glorious confection of embroidery and beads is by our Swap Queen, Pat Winter!! I wisht aht you could hold it to really see all of the marvelous details! A true masterpiece, thank you Pat!!!

This wonderful piece with the hand drawn face and wonderful stitching details is byAlice Topp of Wisconsin. I wish that I had your talent for drawing Alice, beautiful work!!

This piece, made using my new favorite color, is by Liz in Kansas. Again the details here are amazing as each leaf is two sided and can move about atop the puzzle piece. The little face is moulded and painted and I cannot tell if it is polymer clay or porcelain. Simply wonderful, thank you Liz!!!

So what will I do with these pieces, you may ask. Well, I am going to eventually tack them togehter once we have stopped swapping. I will put them together in some sort of an arrangement and then I will either put them in a frame or I will keep them seperate and put them into clear pockets in some sort of fabric book. So i am not sure yet. I do know that I love them all, I am thrilled that I ws involved in this swap and I am definately taking part in Round 2!! All are welcome, so if you are interested you should drop by Pat's Blog and see when the next round is due to start. I will also be sure to let you know here, so don't change the channel!!


  1. Wow! These are just wonderful. I somewhat remember you posting about them before, and I was just in love with the idea and wanting to see all of them. I especially like yours with the bright florals!

    Do you have a link to her blog? I may do this one coming up in the fall...

  2. There is so much creativity in this world. I am awed! Thanks for sharing the wonderful puzzle swap pieces.

  3. The puzzle pieces are all a treasure and what fun to put them together how you wish! GREAT friendship piece Elizabeth!!!!!
    Fun swap and thanks for sharing and showing all of them!

  4. Hi Elizabeth, I just received my puzzle pcs and will try to post later today. I love all of them. It was so much fun and I can't wait to do it again. Pat is such a great influence and such a hard worker. I enjoyed seeing your post. Sharon

  5. This swap looks like a fun one!!! I love your piece!

  6. I am so glad to see everyone who has received their pieces are happy with them. They were all so wonderful and artistic that I didn't see a spoiled one in the bunch. I wish all of you could have held each one in person. Now,Elizabeth, you mustn't make my head grow any bigger ok? You flatter me with such sweet comments. I did have fun hosting and creating for this swap. I'm glad to see so many up for round #2. I am still working on pieces, but soon everyone will have their IOU piece from me. Whew! LOL.

  7. I have not seen this idea before How creative. A perfect way to blend your friendships

  8. I haven't figured out what to do with mine yet either! Waiting for the perfect solution.


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!