Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Turning Up The Color!

This is one of the pieces that came out of the jars from Dyeing Day. I was not pleased with the lack of color and the spottiness of the color that was there.
This doilie began it's life as a very dark ecru color and really needed a color intervention. After it had been thru the dye process, washed and dried it was even more washed out than it appears here. Sooooo, I fixed it!
Now it looks like this:
I used Setacolor Paints to juice up the color and I am very happy with the results! Now this IS COLOR!!! After it dried and was heat set with the iron,it was ready for use!!
This is what the paper looked like that protected the work space. this will definately find a place in a book or journal project!!

There is a woven in texture to this piece and I love how it looks now with the added fushia and orange paint!!
And I painted this ecru piece of lace, that I believe was created by a great grandmother ( one piece of many that I have) with yellow and oranges. I will be using both/all of these pieces to embellish a jacket that I am planning to create from the linen that you saw hanging on the line!!

So if you don't like the color, CHANGE IT!!!!


  1. i love it! You are a girl after my own heart!

  2. It looks so fun.... and you should dye those icky coloured zippers that I sent you....

  3. Oh my goodness Elizabeth! This post makes my heart sing! Love how you have added more color.
    Hope you got my email the other day about a future round robin. Am sure we would have a lot of fun.
    Lots of love to you ; my talented friend.
    Dot xx

  4. That's the best part of fabric dyeing, I removing the pieces and seeing the great results!
    the one with the fushia and orange paint has me drooling! Gorgeous!

  5. Elizabeth, they POP with happiness now!!!!!!!!! And the clothes line........full of fabulous!

  6. I have SO much crocheted lace from my grandmother. You have inspired me to make it my own and love it!

  7. Elizabeth. I am teaching a class using the set-a-color paints at the end of this month. Would it be okay if I printed two of your pictures to use as examples in the class I am teaching to members of my quilt guild?

  8. Very very cool... I want to rust some turquoise colored fabric and see if it works.. but, rusting it and then painting.. oh yeah...good idea...!!!


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!