Thursday, November 5, 2009

Roses In November!!

This morning I am picking roses!! Today's date is November 5 !!!! Sweet Belinda is just NOT ready to go to bed for the winter. Do you see the pile of fallen leaves on the drive behind this bloom? All of the leaves are pretty much off the trees thanks to the last rain and wind that blew through. Now we must rake and mulch and apply the chopped leaves to the garden beds ( no noisey obnoxious leaf blowers for me!!)

In my next post (probably tomoorow, the 6th) I will be announcing a Give Away to commemorate my 350th Post. I think that it is haigh time to thank you all for dropping by and leaving all of your wonderfully supportive and inspiring comments.!!
So be sure to drop by again to see hwhat I have cooked up for a giftie!!
Smiles to you all!


  1. Beautiful rose photos. We are very warm here in south Texas also. Beautiful days! I have things blooming still. I'm excited about your give away!

  2. A beautiful rose! I can hardly believe it is already November, either.
    That's a lot of posts!

  3. The roses are bueatiful, and to have them this time of the year too. Its not that cold in the UK but its the rain that gets you down. At least your rose has put a smile on my face.

  4. Roses do their own thing, don't they! Our Rugosas kept on blooming even after the 1st frost! And yet, roses can be the fussiest of all flowers. Go figure! And just enjoy!
    :-) It's beautiful!

  5. Roses in NOVEMBER?? Where do you live? I love your Christmas ornaments - such a pleasure to see ART for a tree!

    You know, I haven't gotten up the courage to paint on a finished quilt but I have one I hate so much that I think I might just consider it! Keep talking to those ladies as though you have three heads - what fun!

  6. Oh I miss the roses so.....
    thanks for sharing yours. Love your trees and bracelets. What talented fingers you have!

  7. Elizabeth - how are you?! Oh, these rose photos of yours are just delicious. I can smell that bud just as soon as it opens! My roses are about to go full bloom (we're nearing the end of spring here in NZ). I can't wait for them to blossom!

    Oh, and you have the tragic fashion couple? How cool is that? Who sent them to you? Was it Robyn from Art Propelled? Or was it Jacky even? You did mention Jacky. I would love for them to land in NY and then finally for them to be given to a fashion house! Ha ha. Do you think we can do it? There is Seth in NY. There's also Jill Zaheer. Let me know if you get stuck!

  8. Hi Elizabeth,

    I have meant to get by sooner than this and visit you and thank you for swinging by and saying hi. Our friend Dot, is just a sweetheart, isn't she?!!

    I laughed because I was just ready to start leaving my comment and my computer clicked and your new post came up...literally!!!

    Happy 350th post! I will leave my comment here though...not one to visit for a giveaway...but I will be back!!!

    Your art work is just beautiful!! I enjoyed browsing through some of your posts and you bead too! Your beaded cuff is lovely and I can see you are a multi-talented soul and very creative!!!

    Beautiful rose blooming in November! I don't know where the time is going lately either, I can hardly believe it's almost the middle of November! The change this year here (Oregon) has been slow too...there are still plenty of leaves on trees and they started to turn so late this year. Still have piles of leaves to rake and mulch also.

    We do have lots in common...nature, gardening, flowers, birds and fabric. Love your fabric trees and the birds you've created too!

    Hope you are having a creative week. Take care...~Lisa ;-)


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!