Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Yearning to Carve

I have been longing to carve some new stamps for quite a time now and I have finally just gone and DONE IT!!!!! Sometimes that is what it takes- to heck with other things that are half done or undone, one must follow the inner artistic voice!!!
I am in process of creating another Traveling Pages swap and it needed a tree, so this is what I made for this page. Below you see the stamping on a sheet of my fabric paper, done in Bronze Lumiere paint- Yum!!!

This is the beginning- so obviously you will be seeing it again soon!
Now to share a bit of glorious Virginia springtime with you!

This ancient Pink Dogwood lives outside my chiropractor's office in Fredericksburg. Every year it puts on a simply stunning display of beauty. The trunk of this tree is at least a foot in diameter, truely a glorious old soul.

This dripping Wisteria lives on the property of Belmont, a Southern mansion in Fredericksburg, once the home of the artist Gari Melcher. I pulled over to take pictures and as soon as I left the car I was met with the most intoxicating fragrance and the humming activity of a million Bumbly Bees!!! Spring is such an amzing treasure chest of wonderful experiences.


  1. Elizabeth, so cool! I've only done this once - so much fun though!


  2. Your carved stamp and stamping on paper is fabulous. You were so right to go with your artistic muse. The dogwood and wisteria are beautiful. Happy creating...

  3. Love your new stamp! Don't you just love to carve!!!
    You got a great shot of that pink dogwood.....and don't we love those wisteria!!! They smell so darned sweet!


  4. Your stamp is a wonderful creation and I love your Spring photos x

  5. Love your new stamp! Have you visited Gennine's blog and seen the wonderful stamps she carves...you will be inspired to do more!
    Thanks for the glimpse of spring.

    Jacky xox

  6. Great tree! And so versatile- you can use it again and again!r

  7. Wow...What a delicious, gorgeous new blog header!!
    oh, lovely floral photos Elizabeth...my wisteria and dogwoods never gets that full of blossoms...I have wisteria envy!!!
    fabulous new carved stamp and the piece you've created with it...the bronze color is perfect!
    Happy Spring!

  8. LOVE your carved tree E! That is awesome!!!!!

    And , the flowers, ohhhhhhhhh I am longing for some flowers here! :0)
    We have Daffodils, crocus and that is it yet! Tulips are not blooming yet either! Waaaaaa!
    Flowers are happy! :0)
    That Wisteria is amazing!!!!

  9. love your fabric paper! isn't it a fun substrate to work with?? i love the layers! and your photos are just gorgeous! we think alike, i just bought two erasers for making stamps!!!

  10. Love the carving you made and the stamped result with the Lumiere. Gorgeous!

    Dogwoods are among my favorites. I lived in NC for a while, and really enjoyed them. You must be soooooo glad to be posting pics of lovely blooms instead of all that snow you had not long ago!

  11. You are on a roll girl. Love the carving you have done and the pages and the beads aND THE ETC.
    (OPPS THE CAPS were on). I love visiting you.

  12. Elizabeth - I am blown away by the creative talents that you display on your beautiful blog! Wow - is all I can say!

    This is my first visit here - and I am not really sure how that came to be - but I have enjoyed it so very, very much. Is there anything that you can't do? Your creations are so lovely --

    Thank you for sharing your passions and talents with the blogging world!


  13. You are playing my song here. I love your mixed media work and actually just purchased a dozen colors in the fantastic lumiere paint to use in a painting entitled 'Dream On' where I stepped out of my box and did something different. Now, I have all these ideas of using that paint on black gesso with fabric!!! OOOOweeeeeeee
    I love the photo on the masthead of your blog. It really speaks to me.

  14. gorgeous! love your tree!!! I have all the stuff to make my own stamps. It's currently listed under "some day".

  15. I love your carved stamp! Im intrigued by your fabric paper too-very cool!

  16. Lovely photos and what a great stamp!

  17. i love hand carved stamps! love your tree!

  18. Great job on the stamp! I love it! So happy that spring is here -- It was in the 70s today :)

  19. Hi elizabeth! Thanks so much for the tip. I will try that and see if I can seal them. They really are fun to make and yes, very addicting especially with the sticky back canvas. FUN!!! Your carved stamps are fabulous. That bird is way cool!!!

  20. Hi Elizabeth I am just listing some things in my etsy shop. (You asked me to let you know)
    I love your new stamp. What material is that you use? I love lino print but its hard to cut.That looks much better.


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!