Monday, May 10, 2010

Simple Gifts: Fruit and Flowers

I have some very simple, yet wonderful, gifts to share with all of my wonderful readers, as you start your week. Yesterday, on Mother's Day, very appropriately, I began my day doing two of my very favorite growing season chores! Harvesting my very own strawberries from my year old organically grown strawberry patch and picking some of my fabulous roses.

This rose is one of my most treasured plants. I have no idea of the name of this rose. I do know that it is extremely hardy , very fragrant and it is a climbing rose. I found this rose on an abandoned homestead in Oklahoma. I took several cuttings from the enormous mother plant that was climbing up and thru some very old trees and had been left on it's own for many many years. To my great delight, all of my cuttings grew roots and I established a very healthy small bush in my garden in Oklahoma. (Yep, I can now officially add the talent of Rose Rustler to my resume!!)Two years later we found that we were moving back to the East Coast and I vowed that my rose bush was coming with us. I dug it up and after 5 years in her new home and blooming moderatley well, she is blooming her fool head off!! WHooo Hoooo!!! The very best kind of garden success!!!!

these blooms are from my Gertrude Jekyl rose bush and are also extrememly fragrant. I don't even bother with roses that are not wonderfully fragrant!!!

By the way, the berries are juicy and delicious!!!!

Have a wonderfully artistic week!


  1. Oh yummy Elizabeth!!! The roses ANd the strawberries! what a great green thumb you have!

  2. Rose Rustler...I like that. Your roses are beyond beautiful. Could you rustle my voracious deer that destroy my roses? Happy fragants...

  3. Beautiful roses. I too love roses and have many bushes but they are only budding here in upstate NY.
    I wish I had your strawberries as they look so delicious. Very nice.

  4. You´ve got a beautifull blog! your photos are really nice! and this last post is specially good!

  5. What treasures you have.
    Those are beautiful blooms.
    Happy mother's day!


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!