Monday, August 30, 2010

One Can Never Have Too Many Roses!!!

Two things have jsut occured to me. First, it has been a long time since my last post, my apologies! Secondly I will be only three posts away from the Big 500th post when I complete this post!!!! I feel a Give Away and Thank You to all of you for reading, coming on!!! Stay tuned!! We have had a very busy week getting our eldestr son off to his first year of college! This has been a very large change for all of us, but so far so good!!! We ahve also been feeling chnages in the weather with shorter evenings and cooler night time temps. My Belinda's Dream rose bush is loving the change and showering us with lovely fragrant blooms.

This is also the first fall season that my Gertrude Jekyll Rose has put on a second show. The blooms are much smaller than Belinda's but the fragrance is almost twice as intense. Simply delightful!!!

Since my fabulous class playing with Soy Wax Batik, I have had the itch to dye and paint fabric. To that end I have taken scissors to a stained damask linen tablecloth. I cut strips roughly 1-1.1/2 inches wide and painted each one with Setacolor paints in a very mottled and haphazard fashion.

I was hoping to enhance the damask weave patterns in the cloth and give a very natural graduated effect to the coloration of each strip.

After I had dried and set the paint on each strip, I stitched a twisted each strip into a rose. It is quite hard to see in the pictures but in person, one can see the damask patterns and the varigated painting gives each bloom a very natural look.

I created individual leaves by stitching green painted linen complete with veining in Free Motion Embroidery. After stitching a double outline I cut out each leaf and stitched several blooms together to form brooches. After the construction was done , I covered up the messy bits with some beautiful vintage deep green velvet.

I delivered several brooches to Liberty Town and soon I will be adding some to my Etsy Shop!!!

It is amazing how many blooms one can get out of one large linen tablecloth.


  1. What a great idea! The roses look quite nice!

  2. Gorgeous! I'm constantly impressed by your creativity!

  3. Beatufiul roses!

    Your story about sending son off to college reminds me...when we sent youngest to East Carolina U in Greenville, NC, he was back home two weeks later because Hurricane Floyd flooded his college town. Hope Earl or other peskly storms will stay out in the Atlantic!

  4. Wow, Vicki asked me to take a look and I am so glad that I did. I love these. How cool that you were able to recycle the tablecloth, too. I cannot get enough of making the twisty flowers.

  5. I have a bunch of rose bushes in my new yard! You need to teach me what to do with/to them. :)

  6. I'm a first time visitor to your site - truely amazed by these roses....they're really very pretty and the colours so sublte.

  7. These are quite gorgeous and what a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Great colors. Beautiful work as usual and I am sure they will be gone quickly!!!!

  9. These are absolutely beautiful, Elizabeth!!

  10. Wow, those are gorgeous roses. It's great to "meet" you too Elizabeth!

  11. Oh my goodness your brooches are so beautiful. What a fun project too! And to know that you have completely created them "from scratch" is so special. I'm sure they will blow out of your Etsy shop. They are real treats!

  12. These are just gorgeous - love the colours! Wow!!

  13. Roses are my favorite. I love the ones you made! So pretty...

  14. You can never have too many roses,,,,,I agree!!...just lovely photos...xx..julia

  15. Nobody tops your roses! Your garden must be a stunner and what a GREAT idea to use strips from an old linen tablecloth! YOu are a WHIZ!!!

    Hope the college transition is going well. Transitions are always a little unsettling until everyone adjusts again. No one can handle it better than you, I'm sure!


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!