Monday, August 2, 2010

Some New Projects- Finished!!

As usual, I packed more projects and art supplies and materials to take along on our trip to the beach than clothes! One can always wash clothes, one cannot always make due when the perfect beads or perfect paper or pens are 5 states away in the workspace!!!!! One must have ones priority's straight!!!! The above book was one of the projects that I packed along to finish up. I did work on it a bit but spent more time other projects like my journals and beadwork.
I got the idea and the fabulous directions to create this book from the Fabulous Teesha Moore and her wonderful blog. On her blog, Teesha has generously shared video instructions for crea ting these wonderful handstitched Pillow books. Here is the link! If you have not been to Teesha's Blog, you are in for a treat and the videos that she has included are real gems!!!
This was a great project to work on when waiting for appointments or anytime I neede a bit of hand work to keep me busy. I made it all form scraps of Polka Dot fabrics as the gal who I wa smaking it for adores polka dots. Above you see a picture of it with the strap closure undone. I created the closure using a handmade beaded bead and then stitched on vecro dots underneath to keep the book closed.

Here is the back of the journal. I added four , 5 page signatures to the book using blank medium weight sketch paper. I used beads to attatch the signatures along the spine of the book- the beads also have polka dots!!!!

This was a very special present for my dear friend Robin. Robin is the friend who opens her Cape Cod home to me and my family, for our stays during the summer. Robin was alos the amid of honor at my wedding and I was an attendant in her wedding. I really enjoyed making this for her and I have heard that she was thrilled to recieve it!!! I am sure that she will fill it with wonderful things!!!

Here is a picture of the inside back of the journal.

While on the Cape ,I got many compliments about my Sea Foam bracelet. Upon coming home I started and have since completed another example of this type of beadwork. I am prepping a class to teach using this free form beadweaving technique at Artistic Artifacts. I hope to get my write up and picture presentation done by the end of the week.

The large sea glas type bead closure.

I thoroughly enjoy working on this type of beadwork, but I do need to work on broadening my color palette for these projects, as not everyone is as in love with the ocean color ways that I prefer!


  1. Have you ever considered doing online classes for your beaded bracelets?

  2. Gorgeous journal! I also love the colors in the bracelet!

  3. I love the beaded bracelet! And your book is just fabulous. It's no wonder your friend loved it!

  4. Elizabeth, it looks like blue coral formations. Just beautiful. And it's all just freeform!

    Also...your book cover...know what it reminds me of? The bins in the candy store with all of the colorful gumdrops! Fun!

    Thanks for the nice words about my pillow.

    Hugs, Diane

  5. What an absolutely gorgeous bracelet! No wonder you got a compliment on it! I have never seen any beadwork quite like that and the colours are just perfect. So lovely!

  6. Good for you! Getting projects completed on vacation -- I'm a complete fail on that front this year...

    YOur book is beautiful and your bracelet is in the colors that I LOVE so I adore it! I'm with should teach it!

  7. You did a fantastic job with the fabric book ! Love those playful colors.
    But that bracelet is so gorgeous ! It looks like it should grace a mermaid's arm. Love it !

  8. Your journal looks fabulous, I've watched Teesha's video, she's very generous with her time and teaching.
    Your bracelets look gorgeous too.


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!