Friday, December 29, 2006

More Creations

I also made Journals for three of my nieces. Mali lives in tanzania and will be climbing Mt. Kilaminjaro in April with a school group. She needed a journal. Jennifer is a second year art student at Carnegie Melon and every art student needs an Art Journal! Sarah is 14 and ,of course, she needs a journal. I went into full scale journal construction !!!!

For each journal, i used an old book that I deconstructed and recovered with painted, stamped and embellished Tyvek. I did ribbon spines (latching ribbons thru rug hooking canvas) on two of the journals. For the Art Student i did something a bit more edgey. I painted the heavey duty interfacing that the signatures were stitched to . Then instead of rug hooking canvas I used sequin waste or "Punchinella" to work the ribbons through. I also added all sorts of charms and beads and left alot of the punchinella open as it was a wonderful copper color and one could see the blues and greens of the interfacing thru the holes. It added a whole layer of embellishment to the journal.

In this next picture you can see how open the spine is and the decorative element that the squin waste addes to the book.

I started my niece Sarah on an Art Charm bracelet. I will make more art charms for her as occassions come along. To start her off, I made her two charms with her initials in Scrabble tiles with peyote stitched bezels surrounding the tiles.

Two of my wonderful new friends from my art group celebrate birthdays over the next few days. It must be so difficult to have birthdays right in the midst of the major holiday crush of the year!!. So I created extra special collage birthday cards for each!

The colors are much more brilliant in person but each was so sparkly that in order to get a good picture I had to turn off the flash.

1 comment:

Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!