Friday, December 29, 2006

Post Christmas Calm and Quiet

Christams 2006. All of the gifts have been given all the wrappings ripped off and most of my Christams Projects for this year are complete! i am still putting together Christmas cards that will continue to be sent out over the next week.I made quite a few gifts this year and now I can share pictures of all of them with you.
I createde these Christams pins for a swap. I made the mini collages using different papers and painted paper towels and an old Christams postage stamp. Postage stamps have such wonderful art on them, I love adding them to my work! These were backed with heavy watercolor paper and then a pin back was added. i also stitched on red glass beads and handcut vlevet holly leaves for some dimension.
I created this journal for my dear friend Rebecca. I took out the pages of an old book and recovered the covers with a sheet of fusion paper that i created using tissue paper, stamed images, napkin tops and painted paper towels. I put plain paper signatures inside and attached them to the spine via grometts and vintage buttons. I had never used this method for binding before and I am very pleased with how this project turned out!
I have been making Found Object Collage Jewelry for quite awhile now. I really love making these pieces as they are totally unique often containing unique , one of a kind items with in their construction. I have picked up a new technique to use to create the neckpiece for each focal collage. In this piece I created a Double Spiral from various matte finish seed beads. The clasp for this piece was hand made and is placed behind thevintage domino that holds the postage stamp collage. i created this piece for my Mom who is a spinner, weaver and knitter.

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