Friday, February 25, 2011

Newly Published!!

I am madly racing about trying to meet several surprise dealines so this will be a very quick post. I just wanted to stop by and share that I have had a bit of artwork published in the latest edition of Cloth Paper Scissors!! HTis is the first time that my art work has been accepted by CPS so I am quite excited. I must also say that I think that Jenn Mason is doing a fabulous job as the new Editor in Chief and is working hard to bring in lots of new artists and their work to share with CPS readers. Way to go Jenn!! Also I must commend Barb Delaney of CPS for the wonderful job that she does in contacting we contributors and making sure that our art pieces are lovingly taken care of and safely ferried between home and the art studio. Bravo Barb!!!

I submitted my Denim Journal to the All Buttoned UP Challenge as I had used buttons as embellishments as well as functional tools throughout my book!!

In my efforts to meet my looming deadlines I did my First Solo Low Immersion dye batch. I would have prefered to wait till the weather got warmer as the Procion MX dyes are supposedly much more intense when the weather is warm and humid, but the time was NOW! I used the Quart Jar Parfait method and got results that I am absolutely thrilled with. You will have to wait a bit to see what will be created from all of these bits of linens that I have been rescuing from Thrift Shops and Antique Malls.

Here are some of the laces and trims that emerged from the dye baths. (I did batch them overnight to get the most intense color possible.)

Some of these pieces were real ugly ducklings with stains and some were stitched with several lots of cotton threads that had aged to different colors of biege and brown. The dye bath fixed all of those problems!!

On A trip tot he mailbox last week I did spot the first crocus of spring so if all of my dear friends in the midwest and northeast can hang on, know that spring actually is going to be here soon!! It seems that this year the groundhog may ahve been correct!!!

I promise that I will be back soon with news regarding these deadlines and all the activity that is turning my home into a full blown stitching studio complete with files of fabric and dyed bits, felted animals and spools of thread and yarns. A very colorful jumble to say the least!!!!
Happy Weekend All!!!


  1. Wow, congrats. Can't wait to get my issue in the mail.

    xpx Corrine

  2. Congratulations and I will surely pick up a copy of the magazine as I collect buttons and beads too and thanks for the idea of dying my laces as I have some of those old stained pieces too. Wonderful looking book.

  3. Congratulations. I do a little bookbinding myself and can appreciate what you did. I'm glad your work is being published.

  4. Congratulations! I'm also looking forward to seeing the next issue in the mail, there is always so much to get me inspired.
    Love how your trims and laces turned out, awesome, bright colors.

  5. Fantastic!!! You are definitely going places Elizabeth. So proud!

  6. Congratulations Elizabeth, I know just how you feel, I can't wait to see the latest issue. I'm also hanging out for the July issue, tell you why later.

  7. Woohooo!!!! Congratulations! That looks like a FAbulous project! I love it...I have to buy that magazine just cuz you're in it! Then I'll have you sign it when I see you ;)

  8. Congrats Elizabeth!!! I love your journal and all the dying you are doing.

  9. Congrats the piece featured in the magazine. beautiful header...that's what i call positive thinking!

  10. Well done Elizabeth. How exciting to see your work in print.

  11. Elizabeth, congratulations! I'll be looking for this - it's already one of my favorite magazines.
    The laces look divine!
    Hugs, Diane

  12. Congratulations! Your journal is beautiful. I'll have to get that issue so I can have a better look.

  13. I'm sharing your joy Elizabeth! You certainly deserve to be recognized for fun, inspiring pieces of art. Love your dyed lace results also, and knowing we don't have to have good weather for small projects like these. Yay. I live in Alaska where weather is often a factor. Back to quilting...

  14. I just saw that article in CPS today and recognized your name! Great job- that is a beautiful journal. Wish they could have shown the inside pages.

    Those dyed laces and trims are yummy!

  15. You are the Queen of Color - those laces are scrumptious!

    Congrats on your CPS debut - if that editor is as good as you say, I expect you will be a featured artist every edition!!!


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!