Sunday, March 6, 2011

New Teaching Venue!

HEre is the delightful space where I will be teaching classes!! This is Sophia Street Studios owned by terrifically talented and generous potter, Trista Chapman.

Last Friday was our First Friday Celebration for March and I worked all week to prep for the reveal of the classes that I hope to teac in the classroom space that Trista will be providing. This is a very exciting turn of events for Fredericksburg as there are very very few venues that have dedicated teaching spaces. Other teachers will be sharing the space with me and we hope to grow this aspect of Sophia Street Studios to provide a dynamic roster of instuction opportunities for the community. Trista was incredibly generous in wanting to sell my work at the studio as well.This is such a wonderful complement and I am so grateful to have my work displayed along with the other wonderful artists work here.
The pottery that you see here is a wonderful example of Trista's delighful and colorful work!!

Sophia Street Studio's ona typical First Friday Night!!! The loft upstairs(at the top of the window) houses the studio's of painter Mirinda Reynolds, Karen Whepley and the pottery studio of Trista Chapman. The classroom space is in back behind the gallery area.

For the launch of the Classes , I set up two tables in the classroom area and displayed class samples of various areas of instruction along with class descriptions. I am gathering names and will start classes as soon as I can arrange convenient times for students. I will be offereing daytime classes during the week and also on the weekends. I am not going to be teaching in the evenings
I hung lots of textile art samples to Art Up the place as well and to show all of the wonderful possibilities for artistic expression.
I included my recent publications with the original pieces. I plan to teach Journal Making and Techniques for Altered Books.
Gelatin Monoprinting and Sun Printing are also on the list.

Making Mark Making Tools and Carving Rubber Stamps will also be on the Class Line-Up.

Trista also asked me to display some of my art work in the Gallery.
If you are in the area, do stop by Sophia Street Studios or contact me directly and we can get some personal art experiences arrainged for you!!!!


  1. awesome for you Elizabeth...congratulations!!

  2. Welcome to the SSS family!! I went in today and was delighted by the new work everywhere- the gallery is truly coming to life, and I hope many will stop in for a visit soon. I look forward to classes, Mirinda

  3. Very cool, Elizabeth! Fredericksburg is becoming quite the artistic community. What kidns of classes are you going to teach?

  4. Elizabeth! This is SO fantastic! I am so happy for you. I need to make a point of coming down when I am in town next. Heres to a GREAT success!

  5. From your photos I can see your workshop will be amazing. It looks so exciting I know it will be a big success.

  6. Wonderful venue. Looks like it will be a terrific place to build a following. Your books looks splendid in CPS, really chock full and meaty with that charming button spine. Congrats. xox Corrine

  7. WooHoo! And congrats! Wish I lived close enough......

  8. What a perfect fit! Your classes in that fabulous studio space - makes me wish I lived nearby. sigh.


Thank you all so much for leaving your comments! I can't tell you how much it means to me to know that you came by and what you think of what I am trying to do. This wonderful artistic blogging community has so enhanced my artwork and my life. ART ON!!!!