My brother had commented on Face Book , that I was insane to try to paint rooms the week before entertatining the family on the Eve of the big day. I must admit that I do often consider myself a bit whacked, but unless one has a hard deadline do things really get done???? The powder room turned out beautifully by the way, and the wallpaper had been torn and waiting for removal for at least a year- the time was upon us!!! I guess that I was burning the proverbial candle at both ends... enter a nasty cold virus!
On Sunday we did get a bit of snow but nothing like what had been predicted for Virginia. All of my friends and family in the Ct, MA and NH area have gotten the full attention of this latest snow storm. Better to have it go north as they are very well versed in dealing with large amounts of the white stuff. We got about an inch and it was pretty.
Today we had wicked winds and full sun and some blowing snow and I went at my mess with new found energy. Progress is actually apparent!!!!!
This evening the sun set in a glorious show of purple and pink and provided new inspiration for art quilts and journal pages to come!!!
I hope that everyone had a lovely holiday and I look forward to a year full of blogging friendship, sharing and artful inspiration! Have a very safe and Happy New Year!!!
I hope you get over the virus soon. Take care because there is quite a nasty one going around this year. Knocks you down for every bit of a week!!
The paint on those wall is gorgeous. A glorious color!!
Oh dear, I hate that you are sick. I hope you have a speedy recovery. I love the color of your powder room...beautiful. Now get in bed and rest with lots of tea and young lady!
Hope you are firmly on the mend. Glad to know there are other wacked women out there. I collapsed at 8pm Christmas night completely done in. Why oh why do we do too much! Glad you had a lovely family day and managed to enjoy yourself. xox Corrine
beautiful photos! get well soon :)
Beautiful pictures Elizabeth, as always!
Take care of yourself: a horrible time to be sick, but you are not alone. I hope you are better when you read this.
Your painting (house, that is) looks great!
Best wishes for a most creative 2011.
Lots of tea and crumpets for you my dear.
So sorry you are under the weather. I love your powder room color and such beautiful glass ornaments. I am starting on my studio tonight. How does it get this wicked.... every year! Argh!!!! Happy New year friend and do take care.Hugs from afar. Sharon
LOVE the vase of vintage ornaments! Glad you had a peaceful Christmas and hope you're feeling well soon (don't know about you, but I was totally bummed we weren't included in that blizzard!)
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for your wonderful compliments, inspires me to get going with my little journals and offer them for sale...would love to sell them so I can make more!!.
I am glad you had a pretty snow, my daughter is currently stuck in New York, but the experience will be a story to tell for her I'm sure...
Happy New Year!...x..julia
P.S...sorry you haven't been well...get well soon!...and don't do so much...time for feet up on the couch I think...but then like me you probably then think , wow I've finally got time to do some art! it never stops...xx..julia
What a beautiful sky you have captured! I love it when the colours are deep and moody. Im so with you on needing a deadline to get things done. Your meal sounds delicious, sorry to hear you got a bug its always unwelcome but at Christmas there just isnt time for such! get well soon
Hope you're feeling better now; a cold at Christmas is just not fair! I love the picture of the sunset, it's just perfectly fitting for the end of the year post. I wish you all teh best for 2011 as well!
LOVE the first and last pics Elizabeth!!!
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