Several years ago after my Father-in-law passed away, my Mother-in-law asked us to help her clear out Jim's office. Jim was a brilliant man. An Electrical Engineer who was very involved in all sorts of projects including the design of the GPS system that we all have in our cars. He was one of two or three that came up with all of that. So his office was full of scientific texts from high school to present day. Math books, Engineering , Physics, Calculus, Scientific Trancendentalism you name it, he had it. There were several hundred of them and my mother-in-law didn't want them but was loath to throw them away. I took away 5-6 boxes full and shared many with my art group- they were full of cool graphs and diagrams and technical drawings, none of which most of us could not have a hope of understanding but which looked really cool. I asked her if she thought that the family might like to have a journal made from one of his old texts- he had signed his name in each one and many had stamps of where he was working at the time. She thought that my plan was brilliant so I set off to creat journals for all for Christmas. That was 4 years ago!! This year I ahve finally gotten around to it, just barely. The glue is still drying and I have one left to stitch the signatures into!!!
I am planning on making journals for my kids and husband, but they will have to wait till after Christmas as 9 journals is all that I could handle right now! ( That glue is still tacky!!!)
I did not do anything fancy on the pages- just plain white mixed media paper so all can add what ever they wish. It was very tempting to add pockets and interesting papers and perhaps I will if I create more journals from the pile of books that I ahve left. For now I think hope everyone will be pleased with the simple stream lined approach!!
What an amazing man and what a great way to honour his memory. I'm sure the recipients will be delighted.
I can't think of a better gift! What treasures you have created.
What a wonderful gift you have bestowed upon your family.....I love the line " if he asks me what a radio is I'm going to smack him" LOVE IT...
spectacular!! pat yourself on the back... I find it very hard to find time to create for those who I love..the sock puppies for my kids are now going to be valentines day gifts...
wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday Elizabeth!
What an absolutely brilliant idea - and so very thoughtful. I love this and I am sure they will too. Make sure you make one for yourself through all of this; it's obvious he was a special man to you too.
p.s hairdryers are great for drying glue - wink, wink!
What a wonderful gift to your family members...obviously will be much treasured by all.
Very thoughtful of you Elizabeth.
Christmas Eve here....about to pop off to bed and wait for Santa to arrive.
Lacky xox
Love it. What wonderful ideas and gifts. Only you could make something 'artsy' out of "Principles and Practice of Radio Servicing". Have a wonderful holiday! Ariel
What a wonderful way to keep his memory alive in the hearts of all the family. Simply marvelous! Hope your Christmas was a joyful one. xox Corrine
A gift of love to cherish the memory of a special person. I wonder what all the recipients will do with their journals. You may have to do an impromptu journaling workshop with the fam!
brilliant idea, these are wonderful!! enjoy the holiday season dear Elizableth!
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