It has taken me awhile to snatch some time out of thin air to write this entry. The holiday creative pace is picking up just a bit!!!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast despite the nasty, rainy raw weather. The Woodford Clan traveled down to Stafford from Northern Virgina and I put on our first Thanksgiving for all of us. In the past , we were always far away at the Holidays or we came to other's homes when we were in town. It was about time that we were actually the hosts. Everytime that we gather we try to get family pictures. As the kids grow up , that simple task becomes more and more difficult and less and less predictable! The eldest cousin, Jennifer Kennedy is a Sophomore at Carnegie Mellon Art School. The youngest is my Becca at age "almost-10." The other three are somewhere in between, we are not always sure just were. When it was time for pictures all of the kids were sacked out on the floor, and not very willing or able to move- I am a prety good cook, if I do say so myself! So we adults decided to work with what we had . Here are the results of our labors!
Micheal and Matthew couldn't quite believe that we would actually stand on the coffee table to get pictures of them!
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