I have just discovered that if you click on the pictures you will get a larger image of the photo in a different window, then to get back to the blah, blah, blah of my blog you need only to click on the x in the top right corner! COOL!!!!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Garden Fairies Everywhere!!
I have just discovered that if you click on the pictures you will get a larger image of the photo in a different window, then to get back to the blah, blah, blah of my blog you need only to click on the x in the top right corner! COOL!!!!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
My Glorious New Blog Header!!
Barb just went ahead and did it for me!! What a friend!! I am so incredibly lucky to have such caring and sharing friends in my life!! Big hugs to you all!!!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Sing Your Own Song!!
Well, I have decided to be brave enought o make my own bird heads instead of using illustrations from old books! I'm not sure what was holding me back from taking this step. Something about not trusting myself and not being willing to take a chance and not wanting to create something that would not turn out. There are all kinds of traps out there to fall into. Why is trusting oneslf so difficult!! This assemblage is called Sing your Own Song.
This Assemblage is called Listen to Your Heart.
I am on my way to Etsy to post these two assemblages, right now! Wish me luck!
i would also like to ask a favor of one of you, my wonderful Blogging Buddies. Could someone wander by my Etsy site, http://Elizajean.Etsy.com ,and leave me some feedback at the site (if you have someting positive to say, of Course!!) It is NOT necessary to make a purchase in order to leave feedback but I think that it might help me to make a sale if potentail customers see positive feedback!! Thanks a million!!
Cancer Comfort Doll Complete!
I am going to send her off to Mo, so she can hand them out to women patients at her next Dr.'s visit. i was able to make three more dolls out of the same pice of scraps fabric and they all have different faces. You will see them here soon.
It's Been Too Long!
We actually got about 5 inche, not enough to releive the drought or to stop the water emergency, but it does relieve the anxiety that it would not rain again!!
Hopefully we will get some more at the end of the week!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Finding My Way
The Internet has also allowed me to keep in touch with my wonderful friends , some of whom have been experiencing major health challenges lately. In my post about my bird assemblages, you were all introduced to my wonderful friend and art sister, Mo. Mo has Breast Cancer and Mo si going to be just fine!!! She has finished up with her chemo, her chem port has been removed and she is now going thru radiation treatments. Mo now has a mission. When she was diagnosed and was looking for info and resources in her area of the country-rural Oklahoma, she found very little. She is now determined to establish a non-profit organization to help women cope with cancer. It will nto matter what kind of cancer, nor will it matter whether they are patients, survivors siblings, daughters or caregivers. This organization will be about women with cancer. Mo wants very much to include art as a major portion of the support offered. the art could take the form of holding Art Journaling classes, Art Therapy, Meditation Classes, or providing art totems for patients to keep to know that they are loved and cared for.
I was writing to Mo the other day about a web site that I found that provides Art Dolls to victims of Domestic Violence. The dalls are called Comfort Dolls, here is the link to that wonderful organization http://www.patwintergatherings.com/Comfort_Doll_Project.html.
When I found this site my thoughts immediately turned to Mo and her plans. My gears started turning and I figured that I could stitch up several blank Pink doll bodies to send off to Mo so she could hav ethe fun of putting something of herself into them. Well I ended up making eight dolls in about 1.5 hours and then I put together a small kit. I added small skeins of various pink yarns (pink- for Breast Cancer) and some polymer clay faces that she can attach if she chooses.
I am going to make several dolls from start to finish , to send to her. I will ask her to hand them out to other women patients when she goes for her radiation treatments, whenever she feels that she is ready.
There are so many ways that we can show others that they are loved and cared for and I now know that some portion of my art work will be used to comfort others who need hugs! Doesn't everyone need a hug now and then!?!?
As soon as Mo gets her Non-Profit up and running , you will find links to it right here. You can also bet that you will be hearing more about it all from me!
Have you had your yearly check up and mammogram yet???????
Each of these blank dolls is about 5 inches tall and I know that Mo will have a blast embellishing the heck out them, using beads and baubles of all sorts! You should see her art stash- I haven't even seen it all!!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Ms Fushcia Rose
Her body is made from a piece of fabric that I painted ages ago. It is many colors but has a good deal of dark fushcia on it. I wanted her to be pink but all different shades of pink!! She turned out to be quite colorful and joyful, I think !!
Her face is made of polymer clay and her hair is from a Coopworth fleece that I purchased at a Fiber Festival. It came in the most amazing colors- more about this later!
The little joyful heart is made of pink felt and beaded. The streamers emerging from the heart end with the sentiments of Laughter, Dreams, Believe and Love. Her limbs are a bit spider like but at least she knows how to sit!!!
In this picture you can see the hand painted fabric used for her body. The stamp that I embossed on her back says, "Find the seed at the bootom of your heart and bring forth a flower." i think that i will be making several more dolls similar to Ms. Fushcia but no one will be exactly the same!
I hope that Ms Fushcia will bring joy and hope to one of my sisters, wherever she may be. Breast cancer will touch all women's lives in some way at some time. Get your mammograms, do self tests and share your hearts and you art with those who need our help!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Fabric Paper
This piece was made by collaging torn bits of an old White pages phone book directly to the muslin. Then I paint scraped and overstamped with Staz-On ink once the paint was dry.
For this piece I stamped directly on the muslin using text stamps, a bee stamp and some chinese writing stamps. Then I collaged painted paper towel over the stamped images. Not much of the stamping shows thru- this technique will need a bit more work as I want to see evidence of stamping but not clear images .
Playing with Color!
These two pieces were done using a vintage linen napkin. I used ferns, Creeping Jenny and grasses to mask the dyed fabric. These pieces will be used in upcoming Journal Quilt projects for my Surface Design Group.
These pieces were done using regular muslin. The lacey effect is from a paper doiley and the flower prints are from Zinnia blossoms.
With the last bits of dye left in the pots, i dyed some laces and rims that I will use in various projects. I love having bits and pieces of dyed lace on hand as I never know when I will need it!
Most of these bits were purchased as odd pieces at antique stores and flea markets.
I finished off another Round Robin project today. I have been fretting about this piece for a long time. This Round Robin really sucked the artist right out of me- so many dropped out and several books were lost- it was very disheartening and very depressing. The gal whose book I was working in was very willing to wait for me to get motivated and to find my RR Muse again, so that was cool. I finally got inspired.
The book is large and has heavy black pages. the black pages were a bit dawnting. First I collaged some text pages and airline baggage tags on parts of each page. Then I did some paint scraping. this is what things looked like at that point.
So far , so good. At this point i decided that I was ready for some stretching- it was the perfect situation. If I really screwed up, I could just rip out the pages as there were many pages and I was the last artist to work in this book. I decided to play with some gesso with the thought that I would stamp over the gessoed parts. I did add the gesso but then I picked up a Sharpie Marker and didn't look back. Up till now I have felt so unsure about doing this sort of thing, but now the gate has been opened and the perverbial horse has left the barn!!!! I had so much fun with this piece and it is sooo different from things that I have produced before.
I will be doing many more projects like this one! I just hope that the gal who owns this book will like it as much!!!!